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the Year 10,000
Lory Kaufman’s Blog (mostly) About Steady-State Economics

Lory Kaufman
These blogs are background material for the paper written for the Degrowth & ISEE Joint Conference in July of 2021.
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Blog #2 Escaping our old ways of thinking
The problem with effectively transforming an economic system was best expressed by the preeminent economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote, “The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.”
Blog #3 (Part 1 of 3 on G.I.) Guaranteed Incomes will not make people lazy.
As described in this blog’s opening paper written for the Degrowth and ISEE 2021 online conference, a guaranteed income for each person on planet will not be the only income for the vast majority of adults.
Blog #4 (Part 2 of 3 on G.I.) More benefits of a guaranteed income and the fear of a Nanny State
What follows is a number of other ways a guaranteed income will benefit society.
Those at the beginning of their adult lives can afford to work as an intern for a business, trade or arts and crafts operation. Because people have a guaranteed income, they can essentially work for free for others at the beginning of their careers.
Blog #5 (Part 3 of 3 on G.I.) People still have to pay their dues
The opening paper of this blog began with the assertion that a steady state economy is not a nanny state, socialism, communism, or any other type of ism. It’s a style of human economic structure whose aim is to stop humanity from outstripping the world’s natural resources by overpopulating so humans, along with the natural world, can coexist in perpetuity.
Blog #6 Understanding ourselves as part of history – finding objectivity
It’s been said that to change any fundamental aspect of a civilization...
Blog #7 Pavlovian conditioning: 56
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian psychologist working in the late 19th and early...
Blog #8 (Overview of five parts) Chapter 5: Subtle mindsets which are even more insidious: 59
So far my blogs have shown how our world has been polarized into what...
Blog #9 (Part 1 of 5) We humans have outstripped our biology: 60
A) We humans have outstripped our biology: (This is an enlarged...
Blog #10 (Part 2 of 5) We live in a world where planning extends to only months and years. The answer, HUMANITY 10,000: 65
B) We live in a world where planning extends to only months and years:...
Blog #11 (Part 3 of 5) Inventions – for good or ill: 68
C) Inventions - for good or for ill: Ponder this: Every invention we...
Steady-State Economics