(The theme of this paper and site.)

The first paper posited that human civilization cannot endure because our current economic system is not designed for the long-term stability, and that its inability to change quickly was becoming human’s and the planet’s ruination.
But we must also be aware of the underlying reality that our current economic growth system fostered the pandemic. In fact, it made the appearance of a biological calamity a foregone conclusion. It wasn’t a matter of if, but when. Our current economic growth system promoted the over-population of humans, crowding out and causing the extinction of thousands of other life forms.

What follows then is a series of blogs giving more background information and details than could be fit into the paper this website’s opening paper written for the Degrowth & ISEE joint online conference in July of 2021. The blogs can be read in order or you can jump around to topics that catch your eye. Either way, hopefully they will help readers understand and appreciate that a steady-state economy is both possible and its implementation will have benefits for society.
We look forward to comments below each blog.

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